Once Upon The Future

Once Upon The Future

Everyday Adventures that Change the World


Once Upon the Future is an anthology of fictional stories written for children age 7-12 inspired by the research of six sustainability scientists. Each story is sprinkled with humor and magical realism, enlivened with beautiful illustrations, and complemented by educational resources. Using simple yet vibrant language, the stories convey insights on circular food economies, rural development and cultural textile traditions, forest commoning practices, biodiversity conservation and regeneration, youth in urban governance, and the importance of values and imagination for sustainability leadership.

Close your eyes. Imagine you're sitting around the fire in the forest. Firelight dances over your face, sparks float in the darkness, and the magic of storytelling begins...

Join Charlie, a big nosed carrot, as he battles the gang of plastic bottles and searches for the great compost heap. [The Magic Jumble by Anastasia Papangelou]

Follow Alma and Helio as they discover magical creatures and secret natural realms, while searching for the Skunk Cabbage, rare plant that can save their forest from destruction. [Alma in the Woods by Angela Moriggi]

Meet Olivia who never spends time outdoors until a new classmate from a distant land shows her the joy of street play. [The City's Heartbeat by Lorena Axinte]

Gather around the campfire to hear one-eyed Aunt Bloom tell stories of a secret society - the Cosmos Mariners - who battle the Hungry Ghosts destroying our planet. [The Legend of the Cosmos Mariners by Kelli Rose Pearson]

Go through a magic portal into the Wood Wide Web with Brunaia - a girl who has fused with a young oak tree to restore the lost equilibrium between humans and forests. [Brunaia by Marta Nieto Romero]

Attend a fashion show with young Jaime, who has put his reputation on the line to show off his grandmother's traditional linen.[Fashionista Jamie by Alessandro Vasta]

Érase una vez el futuro es una antología de historias de ficción escritas para niños y niñas de 7-12 años e inspiradas en la investigación de seis científicos en sostenibilidad (los autores!). Cada historia está rociada de humor y realismo mágico, acompañada con preciosas ilustraciones y complementada de recursos educacionales con preguntas y juegos. Usando un lenguaje simple a la vez que dinámico, cada historia transmite conocimientos sobre economía circular, desarrollo rural, cultura y tradiciones textiles, prácticas procomún en bosques, conservación de la biodiversidad y regeneración, la implicación juvenil en la gobernanza urbana y la importancia de los valores y la imaginación para la lideranza para la sostenibilidad.

Cierra los ojos. Imagina que estás en un bosque sentado alrededor del fuego. Una hoguera danza sobre tu rostro y las llamas flotan en la oscuridad. La magia del cuentacuentos empieza...

Únete a Charlie, una zanahoria de nariz grande, en cuanto pelea contra una banda de botellas de plástico buscando la gran pila de compostaje [Una mágina mezcolanza de Anastasia Papangelou]

Únete a Alma y Helio mientras descubren criaturas mágicas y mundos naturales secretos en cuanto buscan la "col de mofeta", una planta rara que puede salvar su bosque de la destrucción [Alma en el bosque de Angela Moriggi]

Conoce a Olivia, una chica que vive a través de una pantalla, hasta que llega un nuevo compañero a su clase y le enseña a disfrutar de jugar en la calle [El latido de la ciudad de Lorena Axinte]

Reúnete alrededor de la hoguera para escuchar a la tuerta tia Bloom contando historia sobre una sociedad secreta - llamada "los Marineros del Cosmos"- quienes luchan contra los fantasmas hambrientos que destruyen nuestro planeta [La leyenda de los Marineros del Cosmos de Kelli Rose Pearson].

Viaja a través de la "Wood Wide Web" con Brunaia - una chica fusionada con un pequeño roble- para descubrir la esencia de la vida y el coraje necesario para restaurar el equilibro con nuestros bosques [Brunaia de Marta Nieto Romero].

Asiste a un desfile de moda con el joven Jaimie, quien ha puesto en juego su reputación para mostrar el lino tradicional que produce su abuela de una manera única [Fashionista Jamie de Alessandro Vasta]

Narrativa infantil ilustrada
  • English
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10,44 €
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Sobre Marta Nieto Romero (Escritor)

  • Marta Nieto Romero
    She is a researcher on commons and governance of social-ecological systems based at the University of Lisbon. She is passionate about transdisciplinary research that involves civil society. Her story Brunaia is inspired by her work with historical community forest in Portugal and... Ver más sobre el autor

Sobre Lorena Axinte (Escritor)

  • Lorena Axinte
    She is currently working in mobility and transport, helping cities make their streets more human-friendly. She has a doctorate in Geography & Planning from the Sustainable Places Research Institute, Cardiff University, where her research focused on city-regional planning and deve... Ver más sobre el autor

Sobre Angela Moriggi (Escritor)

  • Angela Moriggi
    She is a social scientist working on transdisciplinary sustainability projects since 2013. Based at Padua University (IT), she focuses on transformative social innovation, rural development, and co-creative methods. Angela is passionate about transformative learning & facilitatio... Ver más sobre el autor

Sobre Anastasia Papangelou (Escritor)

  • Anastasia Papangelou
    She is an environmental engineer with a vision to erase the concept of waste from our society. She has worked on wastewater treatment and reuse, circular food systems, and sustainable place-shaping projects in Europe and in Africa, and got her PhD in Bioscience Engineering from K... Ver más sobre el autor

Sobre Kelli Pearson (Escritor)

  • Kelli Pearson
    She is a co-founder of the Re.imaginary Group, which focuses on leadership, creative practices, and storytelling for regenerative sustainability. She has a decades-long practice-based and academic background in sustainability transformations, including as the owner of a fairtrade... Ver más sobre el autor

Sobre Alessandro Vasta (Escritor)

  • Alessandro Vasta
    He is a multidisciplinary globetrotter researching sustainability and for a more just society. He has a MSc in Sustainable Development and has been researching rural development and agricultural policies around the world since then. He is currently a consultant at the UN Food and... Ver más sobre el autor

Sobre Rita Reis (Ilustrador)

  • Rita Reis
    She is based in Aveiro (Portugal) and is graduated with a degree in Fine Arts-Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto. Continually developing her illustration, sculpture and design work, Rita often participates in individual and collective exhibitions. Her portfolio is ful... Ver más sobre el autor