Kaia and the princess
Kaia feared that the Crones would take over Earth. Only a magic seal: “The Ring of Time” was able to stop them from entering the mortal world. And the existence of life would be through the Crystal Diamond. In a pact between the Goddess and a King, she makes him the custodian of the two relics, and those of her successors of the first-born bloodline. His only son, the prince, dies. Soon the King would leave the world. And with it he would weaken the portal through which the Crones could enter and rule. And without knowing about the existence of his granddaugh - ter, the fruit of his son’s love for a sorceress from another town. The time was right for Princess Mia to be crowned Queen of the Crystal Kingdom. But she couldn’t interfere with the designs of time, something she didn’t know. Her power as a sorceress, plus the strength of the ring, would ensure that the Crones did not rule.
- Colección
- Suricatos 08.0
- Materia
- Narrativa infantil ilustrada, Lecturas en inglés
- Idioma
- English
- 9788419973597
- 978-84-19973-59-7
- Depósito legal
- SE 1739-2024
- Ancho
- 14 cm
- Alto
- 20 cm
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 04-11-2024