(Pre-readers, from 0 to 3 years old)
Illustrated hardcover stories created with love (by their authors!) and designed with passion (by their designers!) for the youngest children in the house.
"Piquipiqui's stew recipe":
1. Add an explosion of colour, a dash of immense love, a piñata of magic formulas, a biodegradable bag of bubbling potions and a prefabricated container of intrigue and slow-motion suspense.
2. Mix it all together very well and let it simmer (stirring all the time).
3. When you try it, don't hesitate, you'll be lavishing your imagination on every sweet and savoury page, even if some of them are already ripped out! By whom? By your little brother, of course!
La revolució de les metones
T’imagines que estàs dormint plàcidament i algú et desperta amb crits i plors? Doncs a la Xesca i a la Lola els passava moltes vegades cada ...Jo soc nadó
En aquest llibre acompanyem a nadó en el seu descobriment del món, de sí mateix i dels altres. Es tracta d'un llibre en que es treballa el d...