El planeta imaginario

The climate and environmental crisis that our planet is experiencing is a problem that concerns us all. Although, a priori, adults are the most aware of this situation, children also have an important role to play. It is necessary to teach them the value of the place where we live so that they learn to take care of our planet. A planet that we all clearly imagine, in which principles such as respect, awareness, empathy and responsibility are shared by all its inhabitants, giving viability to future generations and different species.

With this collection we want to do our bit so that one day, this imaginary planet becomes a real planet, our planet Earth. Because our children must learn that their children will live on the IMAGINARY PLANET.

  • The story of a globe

    The story of a globe

    Viorica Covalschi

    Because humanity is on the verge of extinction, the Globe together with the blue-eyed boy resort to a magic trick that allows them to travel...
  • Imagine Books

    Imagine Books

    Colette Johnston

    What if books grew on trees like apples or oranges? What if we could pick a book and read an exciting adventure from the other side of the w...
  • Miguel, the brave turtle

    Miguel, the brave turtle

    L. Alver Palma

    What do you know about sea turtles? Well, in this story Miguel the turtle, his family and friends invite us to travel to their world and be ...
  • Mosquita Juanita

    Mosquita Juanita

    Darya Shymanets

    The world is so diverse. We are surrounded by living beings in all shapes and colors, and we need to learn to respect and cherish all life a...
  • The Llamas Bridge to Machu Picchu

    The Llamas Bridge to Machu Picchu

    Rebeca Quevedo-Marron

    This book tells the story about a dream of the little llama Emilia who, in the company of her grandmother, experiences aspects of a mysterio...
  • Cora and the corals

    Cora and the corals

    Dagmar de Mendieta

    Cora is celebrating her birthday, she is very happy because one of her presents is an underwater camera. Since she lives by the beach and lo...
  • Toni and the dolphins

    Toni and the dolphins

    Dagmar de Mendieta

    An exciting story that invites us to the world of the brave Tony, son of a fisherman, who, while helping his father, makes a beautiful frien...