
Libros de Vida Saludable, para que nuestros lectores sean felices, aunque no coman perdices.

A Bocados 3
"A Bocados" hacia una Vida Saludable: Pequeños Pasos, Grandes Cambios."A Bocados" es una colección de libros infantiles que guía a los niños hacia un estilo de vida saludable con diversión y ...

Art books and other universes of the mind

Arte y Crea 17
What is our aim with this collection? Something very simple: that children give free rein to their imagination and creativity, at the same time that they are able to enrich their vocabulary by making ...

Children's fiction, poetry and drama

Cuentos para alargar-la-vida 100
There are stories with such a life of their own that they are difficult to catalogue in a collection, because of their singularities.That is why this "NoCollection" was created, to group together ...
Suricatos 08.0 89
This is one of our collections of illustrated children's stories for children aged 8 and over. The themes covered in them include adventure, humour, magic and fantasy stories, as well as real, ...
Suricatos 10.0 50
This is one of our collections of illustrated children's stories for children aged 10 and over. The themes covered in them include adventure, humour, magic and fantasy stories, as well as real, ...
Suricatos 12.0 28
This is one of our collections of illustrated children's stories for children aged 12 and over. The themes covered in them include adventure, humour, magic and fantasy stories, as well as real, ...
Suricatos POEMS.0 14
A collection of illustrated children's poetry for children aged 8 and over.
Suricatos THEATRE.0 1
An attempt to bring children's theatre closer to children in a very entertaining and participative way...

Children's social conscience in the service of our planet

Il pianeta immaginario 3
The climate and environmental crisis that our planet is experiencing is a problem that concerns us all. Although, a priori, adults are the most aware of this situation, children also have an ...

Children's social conscience in the service of our planet

El planeta imaginario 90
The climate and environmental crisis that our planet is experiencing is a problem that concerns us all. Although, a priori, adults are the most aware of this situation, children also have an ...
Merimeri 28
Animals provide children with great benefits, from interacting with their pets to dealing with animals for therapeutic purposes. They also make them feel happy and responsible, help them to socialise ...

Classics for timeless children and youth

Clasi-que-sí 3
We cultivate and collect classic books, the content of which we consider relevant in this decade to understand our eclectic past, our confused present and our troubled future.

Diversity and inclusion in form of stories

Diversas 8
Diversas es una colección que engloba cuentos infantiles que "celebran la mujer" en todas sus formas y facetas, en los cuales, nuestras valientes protagonistas rompen estereotipos y muestran el ...
Vês-me 1
Eu vejo-me!Coleção destinada a dar visibilidade a alternativas e escolhas diversas, cujos livros contarão histórias de sensibilidade, liberdade sexual e sentimentos transgénero. Os melhores contos ...
Mevés (Collection LGTBI) 61
(And I see myself!) A collection aimed at giving visibility to alternatives and diverse choices, whose books will tell stories of sensitivity, sexual freedom and transgender feelings. 

Illustrated books

A casita esdrúxula 4
(novos leitores, dos 4 aos 6 anos)Os conteúdos desta coleção infantil estão especialmente focados nos primeiros leitores, visto que as suas ilustrações cuidadas, realizadas com várias técnicas, ...
El equilibrio de Morfeo 182
(Young readers, from 7 years old) This collection is a continuation of "La casita esdrújula", with very similar characteristics to this one, varying only in the number of pages and the size of the ...
La casita esdrújula 278
(New readers, from 4 to 6 years old)The contents and designs of this children's collection are specially created for early readers, as the carefully chosen illustrations, created using different ...
Piquipiqui 44
(Pre-readers, from 0 to 3 years old) Illustrated hardcover stories created with love (by their authors!) and designed with passion (by their designers!) for the youngest children in the ...
Wooobooks 148
Different books for revolutionary children, to be told in the short winter and long summer nights, or is it the other way round?There are wonderful books that are difficult to categorise, but deserve ...

Illustrated books

La casetta sdrucciola 7
(New readers, from 4 to 6 years old) The contents and designs of this children's collection are specially created for early readers, as the carefully chosen illustrations, created using different ...
L'equilibrio di Morpheus 5
(Young readers, from 7 years old) This collection is a continuation of "La casita esdrújula", with very similar characteristics to this one, varying only in the number of pages and the size of the ...
PichiPichi 5
(Pre-readers, from 0 to 3 years old) Illustrated hardcover stories created with love (by their authors!) and designed with passion (by their designers!) for the youngest children in the ...
Wooobooks 8
Different books for revolutionary children, to be told in the short winter and long summer nights, or is it the other way round?There are wonderful books that are difficult to categorise, but deserve ...

Music books and all its interaction

Música Maestro 16
"Música Maestro" is born with the purpose of bringing a new path in the publishing world, focused on music especially, and art in general. We believe that beginnings are fundamental in all ...

Our little big authors (books written by children)

Chanquetes 36
Those crazy little boys, they are coming on strong...This delicate collection is made up of "little masterpieces" written by children who have the illusion of becoming, one day, "great writers", for ...

Stories "about and for" emotional intelligence

O olhar de Daniel 5
(várias idades, formatos e terminações)Queres saber quem é ou foi Daniel? É uma coleção que inclui obras, nas quais através dos seus conteúdos são mostradas várias formas de gerir as emoções, ...
Titãs 1
Esta coleção inclui livros que dão visibilidade a histórias de superação dos mais pequenos que enfrentam doenças durante a infância ou têm diversidade funcional. São obras que têm como objetivo ...
La mirada de Daniel 327
(Various ages, formats and endings) This is a collection that brings together works in which, through their contents, different ways of managing emotions are shown, helping to promote the development ...
Titanes 50
This collection brings together books that give visibility to the stories of overcoming the challenges of children who have to face illnesses during childhood or who have functional diversity. They ...
Viva la vida 29
A hymn to the lives of our loved ones who have moved on. This collection is a tribute to their lives on Earth, but it is also an attempt to help "those of us who remain" understand that the journey ...

Stories "about and for" emotional intelligence

Lo sguardo di Daniele 9
(Various ages, formats and endings)  This is a collection that brings together works in which, through their contents, different ways of managing emotions are shown, helping to promote the ...
Titani 1
This collection brings together books that give visibility to the stories of overcoming the challenges of children who have to face illnesses during childhood or who have functional diversity. They ...
Viva la vita 1
A hymn to the lives of our loved ones who have moved on. This collection is a tribute to their lives on Earth, but it is also an attempt to help "those of us who remain" understand that the journey ...

Youth narrative

Ginkgo biloba 66
(From 14 years old) Unpublished works of illustrated narrative for young people with a diversity of themes ranging from the magical-fantasy genre to everyday reality.